good stuff to read

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George Smiley Paul A. Enzinger what do you think about national sovereignties and how subnationals like us are forced to live under the laws of whatever nation claimed us at birth while a few supranational organizations operating outside the laws of all nations fight each other for control of humanity’s lines of supply? Of course…

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Models 1 and 2 Source: Argyris and Schon: elements of their models   Models 1 and 2 We mentioned earlier a number of possible governing values, including “maximise winning and minimise losing” and “minimise expressing negative feelings”.  Some of these governing values tend to cluster together to form what might be called world views. Argyris…

Read More Argyris and Schon: elements of their models

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Charles Eisenstein

Apr 21, 2022

“You’ve probably heard some of the fuss around central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). This article is neither a fiery condemnation (that would be too easy) nor a technical explanation, nor anything in between. I will briefly explain what they are, describe their attractions and dangers, and then explore some seldom-discussed foundational questions.”

Read More Central Bank Digital Currencies

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Metaphors can kill. The discourse over whether to go to war in the gulf was a panorama of metaphor. Secretary of State Baker saw Saddam Hussein as “sitting on our economic lifeline.” President Bush portrayed him as having a “stranglehold” on our economy. General Schwarzkopf characterized the occupation of Kuwait as a “rape” that was ongoing. The President said that the US was in the gulf to “protect freedom, protect our future, and protect the innocent”, and that we had to “push Saddam Hussein back.” Saddam Hussein was painted as a Hitler. It is vital, literally vital, to understand just what role metaphorical thought played in bringing us in this war.

Read More Metaphor and war: Lakoff

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Now, for the first time, Antonia is taking her extensive knowledge and making it available to the whole community. Her hope is to help us develop mastery of critical framing and messaging skills and to encourage a productive conversation about innovation and increasing community participation in the political campaign process.

Read More Antonia Scatton

“”In recent years the P2P Foundation has become the dominion of a single man: its founder Michel Bauwens. Despite its stated commitment to the “commons”, under Bauwens’ direction the P2P Foundation has increasingly come to represent an understanding of the commons as a place of white privilege and punitive male fragility.”

Read More Michel Bauwens

Yankee Volunteers Marching into Dixie in 1862 by More: Original public domain image from Smithsonian

Humans are programmed to think we’re right at all costs. Fighting that instinct will set you free. Source: How to Get Better at Admitting You’re Wrong – The Atlantic And so much more How to Build a Life A column about pointing yourself toward happiness by Arthur C. Brooks

Read More How to Get Better at Admitting You’re Wrong

BUT – in order to capture the attention of the public, we have to find a way to provoke the debates we should be having, and that means figuring out how to frame our issues, how to push the right buttons with hope instead of hate and with mutual support instead of fear. We can’t repeat the process of what the corporate/religious right-wing has done over the past fifty years, we have to reverse it.

-Antonia Scatton-

Read More Reframing America | Antonia Scatton | Substack

An overview of the basics of metaphorical thought and language from the perspective
of Neurocognition, the integrated interdisciplinary study of how conceptual thought and
language work in the brain. The paper outlines a theory of metaphor circuitry and
discusses how everyday reason makes use of embodied metaphor

Read More Mapping the brain’s metaphor circuitry: metaphorical thought in everyday reason

Post thumbnail In Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist, Kate Raworth of Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute reminds us that economic growth was not, at first, intended to signify wellbeing. Simon Kuznets, who standardised the measurement of growth, warned: “The welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measure of…

Read More Doughnut Economics

How is it possible to own land? I find it remarkable that this basic question is so seldom asked. The current pattern of ownership and control of land lies at the heart of many of our biggest dysfunctions: the collapse of wildlife and ecosystems, the exclusion and marginalization of so many people, the lack of housing in many cities—indeed, in many parts of the world—the lack of public space in cities, our exclusion from the countryside.

Read More Private Sufficiency, Public Luxury

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Food Not Bombs is a loose-knit group of independent collectives, sharing free vegan and vegetarian food with others. Food Not Bombs’ ideology is that myriad corporate and government priorities are skewed to allow hunger to persist in the midst of abundance. To demonstrate this and to reduce costs, a large amount of the food served by the group is surplus food from grocery stores, bakeries and markets that would otherwise go to waste, or occasionally has already been thrown away. This group exhibits a form of franchise activism.

Read More Food Not Bombs – Wikipedia

Justin Murphy’s work has appeared in IEEE Intelligent Systems, Foreign Affairs, International Studies Quarterly, and other peer-reviewed journals.

He left academia in 2019 to write and teach on the internet full-time.

Murphy publishes the Other Life newsletter and podcast from his home in Austin, Texas.

Read More Justin Murphy

Ralph Haulk
Roy Hanfling Howard Bloom, in the book “Global Brain” lays it out well. What eukaryotes did was to absorb other bacteria and use them for more complex purposes. The bacteria absorbed into the eukaryote each served a useful function, with mitochondria being the “energizer” of the cells. Basically colonies formed to serve a more centralized purpose, and began replicating.

Read More Global Brain | howard bloom

Instead of falling for false ideas about nature, why not pay attention to what we actually know about human nature and the behaviour of our near relatives? The message from biology is that we are group animals: intensely social, interested in fairness and cooperative enough to have taken over the world. Our great strength is precisely our ability to overcome competition. Why not design society such that this strength is expressed at every level?

Read More The flaws in the competition-is-good-for-you logic

The prosperity of the 21st century will be determined by the sustainable management of the global commons. This is a new challenge for the future of our economic system. Even if everybody benefits from a sustainable usage of global commons, there are incentives for free-riding. With every nation thinking this way, individual shrewdness turns into collective stupidity. Some form of cooperation will be a survival condition for humanity.

Read More The Atmosphere as a Global Commons

Founded in 1995, Stephen’s Web is best described as a digital research laboratory for innovation in the use of online media in education. More than just a site about online learning, it is intended to demonstrate new directions in the field for practitioners and enthusiasts.

Read More Stephen’s Web ~ Personal Learning Environments ~ Stephen Downes

Mike Caulfield’s latest web incarnation. Networked Learning, Open Education, and Online Digital Literacy Source: Hapgood | Mike Caulfield’s latest web incarnation. Networked Learning, Open Education, and Online Digital Literacy He has a blog roll even 🙂 he does ping backs he has

Read More Hapgood | Mike Caulfield’s latest web incarnation. Networked Learning, Open Education, and Online Digital Literacy

At the 2015 Digital Learning Research Network, Mike Caufield delivered a keynote on The Garden and the Stream: a Technopastoral. It later becomes a hefty essay that lays the foundations for our current understanding of the term. If anyone should be considered the original source of digital gardening, it’s Caufield. They are the first to…

Read More Mike Caufield delivered a keynote on The Garden and the Stream

I think that P2P interaction, in the absence of a profit motive, is often motivated by prosocial motivations or virtue, somewhere in the culture wars virtue has been identified with hypocrisy, this is a misdirection Commons-based Peer Production and VirtueYOCHAI BENKLER Yale Law SchoolandHELEN NISSENBAUM Culture & Communication, New York University jopp_235.qxd – Commons-Based Peer…

Read More Commons-based Peer Production and Virtue

Source: Saving the Socials: What If We Tried a Multipronged Approach? | Platform Cooperativism Consortium My interest is less in legislative and systems change and more in how can I save my socials I can: manage interoperability using this WordPress site and by choosing platforms Participate in community and cooperatives including Mastodon and specifically

Read More Saving the Socials: What If We Tried a Multipronged Approach? | Platform Cooperativism Consortium

Collaborative consumption is the set of those resource circulation systems in which consumers both “obtain” and “provide”, temporarily or permanently, valuable resources or services through direct interaction with other consumers or through a mediator. It is sometimes paired with the concept of the “sharing economy”.[1][2] Collaborative consumption is not new; it has always existed (e.g. in the form of flea markets, swap meets, garage sales, car boot sales, and second-hand shops).[3][4]

In 2011, collaborative consumption was named one of Time magazine’s 10 ideas that will change the world.[5]

Read More Collaborative consumption – Wikipedia