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The Basque Country’s Mondragón Corporation is the globe’s largest industrial co-operative, with workers paying for the right to share in its profits – and its losses. In return for giving more to their employer, they expect more back

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What’s needed to go beyond neoclassical economics is another interlocking set of ideas and by far the best candidate is Darwin’s theory of evolution. This video introduces a five-part series of articles titled “Rethinking the Theoretical Foundation of Economics”, which lays a foundation for the new paradigm.

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Where do the cooperative skills that hold together human societies come from and why don’t our selfish instincts overwhelm them? Evolutionary game theory suggests that empathy is a crucial contributor. Source: Empathy is the secret ingredient that makes cooperation – and civilization – possible

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taken from Stephen Tardews FB feed tagged with We will never stop sharing 𓂆 ᖴᖇᗴᗴ ᑭᗩᒪᗴ𝓢 тIᑎз 𓂆 One examplehttps://www.facebook.com/nisreen.khuffash.5 search https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=%E1%96%B4%E1%96%87%E1%97%B4%E1%97%B4%20%E1%91%AD%E1%97%A9%E1%92%AA%E1%97%B4%F0%9D%93%A2%20%D1%82I%E1%91%8E%D0%B7 https://palestinecampaign.org/ these people seem seperate article from human rights watch https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/12/21/metas-broken-promises/systemic-censorship-palestine-content-instagram-and Israels cyberunit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_8200 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/meta-limit-some-facebook-comments-israeli-palestinian-posts-2023-10-18/

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1. Abusers of Self: Self polluters, having unnatural lusts2. Adultery (Note: Only for those who have been married) 3. Anger 4. Backbiters: Those whospeak evil of those who are absent 5. Banqueting: A drinking party 6. Becoming a Stumbling Block to a Weak Brother Through Our Liberty: Taking liberty to do things without thinking of…

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A new review looks at whether psychological therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, are an effective way to treat older people in aged care with symptoms of depression. Source: Half of Australians in aged care have depression. Psychological therapy could help

Read More Half of Australians in aged care have depression. Psychological therapy could help