- do I have arthritus, knee osteoarthritis
- Glucosamine and chondroitin might work bone broths and gelatin, chicken necks cook up to 36 hours
- fish oil better for rheummatoid which is driven by inflammation
- S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM-e) works
- COX-2 inhibitor drug, celecoxib
- Curcumin antinflamatoiry
In a study of 367 people with knee OA, a 1,500 mg daily dose of curcumin extract was as effective as 1,200 mg a day of ibuprofen, without the gastrointestinal side effects. This supplement also appears to relieve RA swelling and tenderness.
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- https://www.arthritis.org/diseases/more-about/what-is-inflammatory-osteoarthritis
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