I think I might retire Facebook

I am getting more and more tired of FB’s paternalistic censorship.

Each time I was censored, it seems, on appeal, that the AI was in error,


I am already finding myself avoiding keywords like “shoot” and “Incel“.

It worries me that I might find myself internalising this self-censorship. I think “forbidden words” will damage sensible conversation and that sensible conversation serve as a buffer against extremes

I am spending too much time “educating idiots”

I’ve done my bit and they are probably not idiots and they are probably not educatable.

It just becomes an unending pointless debate.

After years of practice, I have refined my communication skills and can soothe the savage beasts but how much value is there in helping beasts to purr, it doesn’t even sound hygenic

Constant immersion in the culture wars, trans bashing and nihilism is a downer.

It cost me a lot of time and I am not sure the returns warrant it and I have other things to do one of which might be to earn a little extra money

It might be good to go IRL for the flavour and texture and relationship, especially in my dotage.

If I want to improve the world perhaps I should get out in the world, why not?
as time goes on I might like to spend more time fishing or walking, slowly, through the trees

I need to consider how much I need to support the groups and pages and how to do that.

The Mental Health in Queensland can be left to itself, I might advise people that I am gone

there are scattered ones, let them die

Schizophrenia Unlimited is home to a small community, maybe I can continue to host that, maybe someone else can, and maybe people move on

Nomadic Australia was always intended as a magazine, what’s wrong with a magazine

The ones I just belong to I and STOP, it might be useful to establish connections in a proactive way rather than just saying “here’s my contact details up to you”

I have some friends like Marie and a few others

It is easy enough to contact them directly

I am thinking that as part of the p2p experiment

I could work on being less of a broadcaster on a platform and more of a person in p2p relationships. This p2pblog is a place to start.

Maybe I talk with people one at a time, without an audience, maybe I do that in person, maybe I tidy up my email and in moments of wildness CC people.

I need a little FB for work

  • that would be Support Groups Queensland work,
  • as a paid service, and
  • maintaining the spaces I facilitate.

Maybe I need that spare identity given how chaotic and arbitrary Mr FB can be
I am thinking that it might be useful to extend into paid work for when I am a freed slave, $100 a week on the pension more or less and some barter?

I just need to free the time that I give to FB and I might well choose to use the time more hedonistically, why not?



the lawyer

my ad for a services

Tony’s group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1704215086613279

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