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In 2012, then Labour Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Employment and Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten announced a review into Bullying in the Workplace, by the House Standing Committee on Education and Employment. The review examined the nature, causes and extent of workplace bullying and considered proposals to prevent bullying cultures developing as well help…

Read More Inquiry into workplace bullying

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There are a few competing definitions for ‘open source software’. However, generally for software to qualify as
I can help with this

open source, users must be able to freely (in relation to rights, not payment) copy, study, adapt, improve and distribute the source code of the software. 

Read More Open Source

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Table of Contents
License 1
Authorship 1
Index 2
Introduction 2
This Document 2
The CES 2
The BrisLETS Management Committee 2
Managing the BrisLETS Community Exchange System (QLD) 2
Managing our Website 3
Access; Admins. Editors 3
Making Posts and assigning categories 3
Publishing the Newsletter 3
Backups 3
Getting Help 3
Newsletters 3
Facebook Groups 3
Trade days at The Peace Hall 3
Managing Membership 3
Terms and conditions 3
The Constitution 3
Promotion 3
Managing Conflict 4
Complaints Policy 4
Best practices in Trading 4
CES for Traders 4

Read More First outline – can you help?

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I was trained in TA, seriously, for work as well not just as a hobby. I particularly like the ideas about “games” ‘Blemish’ – this falls into the party games category and is a game in which you are insecure about yourself and cannot feel comfortable in any interactions until you have found some sort…

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The poem goes When love has gone there is always justiceWhen justice is gone there is always forceWhen force has gone there is always love someone Most of us would prefer to live in a loving trusting environment but things happen and so we cooperate with each other based on law and professionalism. It works……

Read More On trust

This is a blog where I (Roy) pontificate grandly on the subject of Mutual Credit, more specifically Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS), more specifically again using the platform of the Community Exchange System (CES) as I negotiate my way through *Brislets

Read More Hello world!

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A year ago, El Salvador became the first country to make Bitcoin legal tender – alongside the US dollar, which the Central American country adopted in 2001 to replace its own currency, the colón.

Read More One year on, El Salvador’s Bitcoin experiment has proven a spectacular failure

A strong defense against online misinformation may be to administer a digital vaccine: Exposing yourself to common deception methods may help you recognize sensationalized headlines, misleading TikToks, or social media fabrications in the future. In collaboration with Google and its tech unit Jigsaw, a team of psychologists added short videos to YouTube’s ad lineup, educating people about how to spot common misinformation tactics. In an online campaign, they found these clips were an effective way to get people to identify what’s real and what’s fake news.

Read More Inoculation against disinformation

In mechanism design, a Vickrey–Clarke–Groves (VCG) mechanism is a generic truthful mechanism for achieving a socially-optimal solution. It is a generalization of a Vickrey–Clarke–Groves auction. A VCG auction performs a specific task: dividing items among people. A VCG mechanism is more general: it can be used to select any outcome out of a set of…

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Globally, there is a widening divide in the wellbeing of people at the top of the
socioeconomic ladder and people at the bottom. Despite tremendous economic
growth, more than 75% of people in developing countries are living in societies that
are more unequal today than they were in the 1990s (UNDP 2013). In Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, the ratio of average
disposable income in the top versus the bottom decile now stands at 9.5; up from
around 7 in the 1980s (Keeley 2015).

Read More Intergenerational transmission of disadvantage in Australia

Escalation of commitment is a human behavior pattern in which an individual or group facing increasingly negative outcomes from a decision, action, or investment nevertheless continue the behavior instead of altering course. The actor maintains behaviors that are irrational, but align with previous decisions and actions.[1] Source: Escalation of commitment – Wikipedia

Read More Escalation of commitment – Wikipedia

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Metaphors can kill. The discourse over whether to go to war in the gulf was a panorama of metaphor. Secretary of State Baker saw Saddam Hussein as “sitting on our economic lifeline.” President Bush portrayed him as having a “stranglehold” on our economy. General Schwarzkopf characterized the occupation of Kuwait as a “rape” that was ongoing. The President said that the US was in the gulf to “protect freedom, protect our future, and protect the innocent”, and that we had to “push Saddam Hussein back.” Saddam Hussein was painted as a Hitler. It is vital, literally vital, to understand just what role metaphorical thought played in bringing us in this war.

Read More Metaphor and war: Lakoff

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Now, for the first time, Antonia is taking her extensive knowledge and making it available to the whole community. Her hope is to help us develop mastery of critical framing and messaging skills and to encourage a productive conversation about innovation and increasing community participation in the political campaign process.

Read More Antonia Scatton

Jonathan Fishman GASLIGHTING: What is ‘Gaslighting’? Gaslighting is an dishonest, abusive, manipulative technique which leads it’s victims to doubt their own perceptions, judgements, memories, experiences, mental competence or sanity. Gaslighting, makes a victim question their reality, it makes its victims think that they’re losing their minds. Gaslighters override your own reality, and may lead you…

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“In a broad sense, this research gives us a picture of how dominance, in the abstract, works to sustain itself. If you’re at the top of a very hierarchical society and are absolutely determined to stay there, then you want three things. First, you want people to fear your power, so that they’re unwilling to risk toppling you. Second, you want to occupy people’s minds—and potentially, their bodies—so thoroughly that they’re mentally exhausted and oriented more toward hierarchy and authority than toward equality and justice. Finally, you want to make sure that those you dominate are unable to meaningfully communicate—or that, if they can, they are loath to trust one another in the long run. Division is your ally. Power wants the powerless to be scared, thoughtless, and alone”

We are human we have the cognitive resources to maintain equality our potential masters can stay potential

Read More When Does Equality Flourish?